You Can Now Embed Getty Images' Gorgeous Photos On Your Blog for Free
Getty Images is one of the world's premiere sources for amazing photos. But if you don't have the money to pay licensing fees, you can't use the images. Well now, Getty is making its photos embeddable. Getty Images' new Embed Tool allows you to insert a huge portion of the wire service's photos into your personal blog—as long as you're not using the images for commercial purposes. The iframe widget below is just one possible example. Click the "" in the bottom right corner and you can grab a code to embed mr. spider on your page as well. How does Getty plan to make money off this? Well it's certainly good for wider brand awareness. It also gives people who would otherwise be illegally using Getty stock to use the stuff legally. We'll see how it works out, but it's a good example of engaging the challenges of copyright and digital rights management without taking harsh legal action against regular folks. It's a worthy experiment that's in the spirit of the web—and one that's helping make the web more beautiful, too. [Getty Images] Top image via Mike Ehrmann/ Getty Images Source: Gizmodo
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